Wednesday, October 1, 2008

In praise of staright forwardness and candor

First of all as the above video demonstrates, Palin is embrassing often. To be honest she looks to me like a hockey mom stuck in a bad dream where she is running for vice president and has to answer all the press' questions when she really desperatly just wants to say "i don't know!" and go home and play with her baby, Trig.

But i also think Palin views things in a clear way that is often muddled by academics and people who fancy themselves as "intellectual". Some may laugh when she says that she wouldn't question Isreal if they attacked Iran's nuclear facilties because she as she says she sees Amnejihad as a "bad guy" and Israeli's as good guys. I don't. In fact it's quite refreshing to hear people calling it like it is in that way.

There is one area inwhich i think her being opposite of Obama is a good thing and that is that she doesn't bullshit cause she isn't agile enough to bullshit. Obama is spectacular at not answering questions and giving supremly hazy ones when he does answer, and it's because he's so articulate. Palin and Bush's minds unlike Clinton's, for instance, don't allow them to lie like Clinton did.

There are many issues where Palin's clear sightdness is infinetly preferable to Obama's harvard educated intellect. Palin just see's what has to be done, bottom line(and her instinics i think tend to be pretty good):

immgration? Build a fence. Deport those caught. Penatlize empoleyers who hire illegals. Stop giving wel fair to illegals.

Iranian nukes? Iran must never get nukes. The things the iranian theocrats have said and done make that unacceptable and we will do whatever nesscary to stop them from acquiring nukes.

Diplomacy with Iran? The europeans have tried it for 4 years and it's been proven futile. The Iranians have broken every treaty and agreement theyve gone into on such matters.

Making education better? Give Parents the power of choice with vouchers, make schools compete. Tv's and radio's have gotten better and cheaper only because they've had to compete, why exzempt something as important as education from such productive compeition?

Lowering Energy prices? Advance altertive energys but also drill for oil that we have untapped. we are going to buy oil, why not put money in the treasury in Washington D.C. rather than ones in Tehran and Riyadhi?

Obama on the otherhand will answer these questions differntly for whatever paticular audience he is speaking for. For Obama, when asked why he sat in the pews of a america hating reverend who happened to be his mentor he gives a 40 minuete speech on race and doesn't answer the question though he impressive all the Ivy league intellectuals. It was a elouqnt speech writing like a Harvard dissertation, but it's core points where fraudglent and deplorable and it compeltly avoided the question of why he stayed in Trinty UNited for 20 years.

I think it's about time we gave a little praise to straight forwardness and transperency given that it is so rare among Polticians.