Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bobby Jindal is a really nerdy robot

on Jindal:

1. he has a weird face.

2. it is a odd phenmon how asians in the south tend to have the thickest southern accents of all.

3. In case anyone wants to bemoan america as a racist nation in any of sly ways people/liberals like to call america a racist nation, remind them that in 2012 there is a good chance there will not be a white candiate running for presidnet of 75 percent white nation, and not even latino vs. black, black guy vs. indian catholic.

4. on the matter of JINDAL, MICHEAL STEELE, AND CLARENCE THOMAS, why is it that conservtives of color so upset liberals and make them role their eyes?

5. He can never be president. far too weird looking, not enough facial cementry, not leading man enough.

6.The GOP doesn't get it: you have to try to debunk the negative sterotypes of republicans not embrace them at every turn. Jindal strikes most people as simply nerdy particularily in his responce to obama. Nerdy Jesus Freaks from India, despite what some may think, actually is another republican caracture (hence Dinesh D'souza and Ramesh POnnuru).

a list all the different types of republican caractures:

1. hockey moms into jesus with annoying folksy accents who love hugging and smooches.

2. Jesus Freaks

3. pro life nuts.
4. Old greay catholics

5. coroporate stooges in their 50's , golfer, badly dressed, balding, cigar smoking, heart diease, divorce, estranged kids, listens to Rush Limbaugh.

6. Catholic Indian-americans.

7. Christian Asians who are really smart and organized.

8. Bubba and the good ole' boys and joe six pack too.

9. west virgina

10. the few cowboys left

11. recovoring crack and meth addicts or former pornstars who have turned to jesus.

12. Don King (question: is Don King still a republican?) and 50 cent