Wednesday, May 27, 2009



well that emphathy post/prediction of mine was dead on wasn't it? Obama picked Sotomayor.

So "empathy" really is obvious code for not giving a damn about the constuition, and making outragous descions that most all americans deplore, denying citizens of the states the right to vote to ban illegals receieving their money, putting race before merit in regard to promoting firefighters and other such contests that should have nothing to do with race, just to name a few things this newest liberal euphism is code for.

As far as real empathy goes-the kind defined in the dictionary-Sotomayor and Obama do have alot for some people (or should i say some colors?) and none for others.

For example if your a white firefighter in New Haven who works hard studying for a test needed for a promotion to captain in a firehouse and you receive out of 70 plus test takers the 7th best score on that test (which would automaticly make you a captain) Sotomayor and Obama have no empathy for you at all.

No they don't give a damn about you at all. Well actually they do they care about you NOT PASSING AND NOT BEING PROMOTED INSTEAD OF PEOPLE WITH BLACK SKIN.

But Obama and Sotomayor do have their special brand empathy ready for you if your a black firefighter in New Haven.
If you didn't study enough for the test for promotion to firefighter captain and you get the worst score out of 70 plus test takers, Obama and Sotomayor, want to make sure you-rather than a white firfighter like the one above who passed the test-get that promotion cause of slavery, and jim CRowe and blah, blah, blah.
And in the rest of the similiar endevours in your life that seemingly require purely merit base copmeition, Sotomayor and Obama will always be there for you and your black brothers like some kind of gaurdian angels, appearing as testtime begins and with a wink and a smile lowering the bar just for you and hightening that bar right back up again when you've cleared it and it's the crackers turn and you've already gotten your job, your promotion, your acceptance letter, your award, your special treatment and your honorable mention.


Oh and don't forget those of us, Sotomayor and Obama, not only have no empathy for but no tolerance for, those americans who dare to write and/or speak negativly of their special "empathy" and their racist laws. If Sotomayor and Obama where to get their way-there's a good chance seeing what the media the media that informs the public has deformed to- that your website, your blog, your article, could be shut down. This has already happened in Britian, where Scotland Yard urges citizens through advertisments online to notify them not if you come across a mugging or prostuition but if you coe across or hear about "right wing extremist" websites.

We already see the soft tryanny and banning of free special that is law in newly multicultral Britian and Canada seeping into America and Sotomayors confirmation will undoubtly be a big step towards bringing the notorious "human rights tribunals" of Canada to America.

Programs like NetNanny that hotels and schools and parents use to block inapprarite sites (e.g. porn sites) from adolcents now block sites like Mark Steyn's personal website and, respectivly the biggest conservtive website of the most mainstream conservtive magazine and the and one it's most famous writers (National Reviews colmunists no doubt). If National Review is labeled a "hate site" and blacked by NEtnanny, the whole conservtive sphere of opinion is blocked as i'm sure it is if you just try t o enter,,, and so on.

And then ofcourse there is the memo Obama's CIA sent out (with his incentive) that asked citizens and authoritys to watch out for "right wing extremist groups" who may center around the issues of "abortion and/or immgration".

And really-one must ask, and reporters will never ask-Obama and/or Sotomayor, if your willing to deny Ricci the promotion he earned because no blacks passed, what principle of restraint is there to stop you from shutting down websites that you or the Southern POverty Law Center or LA RAZA OR the ACLU says "promotes hate against a group"?

It is hard for us conservtives-who see the persuction of a Ricci or a Mark Steyn in Canada or Geert Wilders in the Netherlands as shameful-to even believe or suspect fellow americans on the left to see such soft tryanny and loss of the freedome of free speech differently.

What really has scared me and made me look at the words that say "Soon to be banned in Canda" on the cover of Mark Steyn's America Alone differently about Obama's selection of Sotomayor is the how the media has covered it all as Obama's minions: repeating over and over Obama's official Sotomayor talking point about "her story", and the other infuraitingly dishonest assigned talking point about how "Sotomayor is hardly liberal" so much so the GOP really has nothing to say against her and awhile in these NPR and ABC and CNN segments "on Sotomayor" never even mention anything but biography and her superb affirmtive action credentials, not one mention of any of her descions nor any utterance of the name Ricci.
Everyone has know for awhile now (except apparently that the media has a liberal bias and even bigger pro- Obama bias, bias' which are startling to those few of us who know of the news that NPR, ABC and the rest of the MSM knowingly ignore, distort or gloss over. But the unknown thing has always been for me atleast:how far will they go for this guy?
I thought there bare coverage of Rev. Wright (the ny times mention rev. wright for the 1st time 5 months after the fact) showed that if forced to by the fear that they can't get away with ignore and supressing news bad for obama they would cover it with extra liberal bias. But after Rev. Wright-as CHristopher Hitchens said-the media felt guilty for even covering Rev. Wright and resolved not to do so again. And everything since Rev. Wright suggests the well connected Hitchen's word is right.
The Uniformity o the MSM's Coverage of Sotomayor pretty much soldifies that if there is a news-story (a unusually intresting poltical story to average people as the Ricci case is) the MSM will simply shamefully not mention it. And worst of all there is no real consquence, the disserviced public knows not what they're not beiing told about Sotomayor and Obama views, and the MSM scoundrels doing there part for TEAM OBAMA don't hear the rigetous denuciations coming from the Limbaugh and Taki T. and the rest of the few of us left that know what the hells going on called consertives.
We'll see when other Ricci like scandals such as Card Check and The fairness doctrine come along again about how far the MSM will go. BUt as of now, the MSM has shown that it will do whatever it takes and supress whatever it takes for Obama and as long as that true OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATS REALLY CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT. Even with 60 or 61 democratic senate seats, with a left slanted media of the BUsh years the MSM would atleast cover big bills that the Dem's would have passed. And knowing that there will be MSM coverage and thus somekind of citizen reaction, enough democrats would have voted against disgraceful bills like amnesty and the fairness doctrine in fear of losing their seat and in doing so stopped such scandals from crossing over from liberal scheme into American law.
BUt now that the MSM has shown how deep its love is for there man by actually ignoring stories and bills like Ricci and the fairness doctrine, those few worried Democratic Senators that would have blocked a Fairness Doctrine in fear won't now that there is nothing for them to fear.

And so the next question, now that it seems Obama can do whatever he wants without major recourse, is HOW FAR WILL OBAMA GO?


And the whites i know for the most part -who are the midwestern versions of the people in the west who decide what movies get made and right there anti-american scripts and of those in east who run the mainstream media with the journalstic intregrity and objectivty of Obama P.R. people- they don't give a damn about Ricci and affirmtive action and quoatas and so on, even when you personalize this legalized racism with the heart renching story of a Ricci, which is odd right?

Well in almost any other group on earth it would be very odd if it were ever to happen, indifference towards systematic discrimination agaginst your good group in employment and oppurtinty would be quite odd.
For a group-catholics, luddites, conservtives, blacks, hawians, watever group it may be- to be not indifferent but to support EXSPLICIT LEGALIZED DISCRIMINATION AGAINST YOUR GROUP is bizarre.

But among white americans-unlike any other such group i know of- i know of, it is not hard to find many of this group, white americans, that are indifferent and even indeed open supporters even vigorous promoters for systematic legalized discrimination against white americans.

Can anyone point towards a latino advocate to have to do better than blacks to get into in the same school?
Ofcourse you can't, cause what kind of sane group of people or just sane person wants to be discriminated against in law when they try to get into a college, get a job, or get a promotion?

So i guess many whites males are insane, they're also liberals.

When i talk about Ricci and the like to liberals they usually ask "why do you even care?", "how does affirmtive action effect you?". The questions would suggest they don't what affirmtive action is, but the reason they ask that question to me-a white male-is because they pity minoritys so much, and are so non-threatned by blacks professionals and indeed are so unfimiliar with blacks in their careers, that when these liberal elites say "what has affirmtive action done to you?" they are really saying "c'mon, you know that affirmtive action and such is just charity to minority, it's just another hand out, so we'll let 2 blacks kids go to Princetown who wouldn't have been able to on their own merit, whats the big deal with that?"

To not be threatned or offended by racist anti-white legal discrimination with most all liberal elite positions has it's status element aswell. To be in different to affirmtive actiona nd quotas and so fourth shows-such liberal elites think- how secure they are in their own careers, that they don't have to worry about compeition on uneven ground.

It's those "embarsing" whites on the perphirery-the coal miners, firefighters, truck drivers, sales clerks like Ricci-who are outraged by Leglaized Anti-white racism, liberal elites believe (somewhat correctly) and whatever those whites do or think or like, elite whites instinvily do the opposite, especially poltically.