Saturday, October 4, 2008

the war on boys and our educational crisis

If the teacher unions ruled the world (which they almost do) this is what they'd make school children everywhere do for their dear leader, the bold protectorate of their monopoly, Mr.Obama.

I luridly rembeber begiging made to do this degrading type of sing along nonsence a couple times a year at my elementray school up until some absurdly embarrsing age. I hated it.

I believe there's alot to this argument about the feminization of boys and the war on boys. I often felt growning up that i was a boy attending a girls nursery school.

This video is quite persuaive in that respect. Call me crazy but i could see it shown a couple decades from now in the trial of one the boys in this video who grew up to be a gay child molester.
The acts shown in the video would strike me as just fine if they were doing this sort of thing in a girls school. There's something very peverse and disturbing about seeing these epicene little boys in this video, in their baby blue Obama t-shirts swaying gayily. It's seems like they've already been thorougly sterilized and stigmatized for their male agressive, compeitive instinstics. This is a national epdmic in my view. They've gotten rid of dodgeball which most young boys devootely love and look forward to because it's too "mean spirited and agressive" a game. They've replaced it with sing alongs about Obama and flowers and love.

This is what you get when you only let people who go to teacher college teach: a bunch of women, who are pretty dumb punishing boys for not acting like little girls. That's just elementrary school. Then when they get to high they don't learn their constuition but learn about the evils of America and get indoctrinated into liberalism. Entire generations are being despoiled.

American education is in crisis, and it's not even being talked about in the presidential race.