Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Abortion Card

90 percent of downsydrom babies are aborted.

I think it's amazing Palin hasn't talked about this.

IN General I wish everyone including Republicans would talk more about what this supposedly evil thing called revoking roe vs, wade is? It's remberarkable how many people and women have no idea what it entails.
Revoking Roe vs. Wade is a attempt not to end roe vs wade but to simply bring it to the state level and allow states to decide on it. If roe v. wade were revoked, nothing would change in the places angy liberals live most. In blue states like NY, california, illinois, as well as most states abortion would remain as legal as the sky is blue. I have felt confident for a long time that if people new what revrsing Roe meant it wouldn't be nearly as much the divisive issue it is today.
I remeber it was quite a suprise to learn that roe v. wade being revoked didnt mean my sisters and ex girlfriends would be round up and sent up to evanglical concertraion camps in wyoming.

The stunning un outargeousness of revoking roe. vs wade is rembercable and it underscores what has long been the sinister primary scare tactic of the supposedly immiculate Democartic party, which for 40 years has tried to terrify women from voting republican by claiming republicans will nomiate supreme court justices who will revoke roe v. wade. This is nothing more than a scare tactic.
Reagan and the BUsh's had the white house for 20 years and there wasnt a single school prayer uttered in those 2 decades, and there wasnt a single women prevented from having a abortion.
The supreme court for nearly 20 years has had numerous chances to revoke roe v wade, they havent done it.