Sunday, March 1, 2009

John Derbyshire, telling it like it is

"Radio Derb with your host John Derbyshire" (a british Tory emigre turned average Joe/middle class hero) is one of those things that gives one hope and makes life signficantly more enjoyable. The commentary peppered with great brutal anglo humour is the most refreshing dose of common sence avialable to us.

heres this weeks RadioDerb, a dman good one i might add:

Note: Derbyshire and Steve Sailer are kind of a great pair. Sailer also tells it how it is in very much the same way. BOth are a few of the rare conservtive who can speak truthfully on racial shake down artists, illegal immgration, and other similiar issues. Derbyshire writes a column for National Review and does his radio show and keeps a diary at He also writes for "the american conservtive" whose film critic is Steve Sailer who keeps a brillant blog and writes for the equally valuable which has a great blog aswell.