Tuesday, June 2, 2009

All the MSM wants you to know about Sotomayor:she's a non-white male from brooklyn.

the media is full of highly unorginal people. Especially liberals, they all just repeat the same meme and never more than on Sotomayor.

The main meme on her goes as follows:

"it's going to be really hard for the republicans to challendge the Sotomayor nomination. They really don't have much to oppose her on."

and every time i hear this i clench my fists (this is also why i try never to listen to NPR) and for the following reasons i do:


one: SUCH a statement almost always comes from a liberal who in talking about Sotomoayor will not even see fit to mention a word of her manifestly intresting, consquential and revealing Ricci vs. Deangelo ruling in anything but the vaguest and most brief terms. It's no accident that they don't ever tell people what that case is about, cause her descion in it (and there positions on it) is outragous to the overwhelming majority of people.

two: Anyways you will always notice too that said people will usually not exsplain why the GOP has little to go against her on or if they do give reason(s) why she will be hard to oppose they will say because "she a latino women from the bronxs".

Her race and her gender is about all the MSM and liberals will say about her.

Not in one-one!-media NPR or TV report on Sotomayor have i heard mention of her any ruling she's made!

Aparently liberals really only think the important thing that people should know about Sotomayor is her race, gender and hometown. For most of the rest of us we would rather know about what kind of judge she is. But i guess this is the fundmental difference between those who are for putting race ahead of merit and those who find that dishonorable. I guess they believe we should select our firefighters and supreme court justice on race too!