Monday, March 30, 2009

Slogan or Reality? POltics or Country? Lies or Truth? Oh the questions the treasonous face from Kabul to the rio grande.

When Obama's sets a date for a big press conference inwhich he'll present his policy on a subject he and his team have been nworking on for months, don't except to be able to tell anybody what obama's policy on that subject is, the day after you've watched that press conference (and read that white house press realese). (And this is the very vagueness disguised as articulatness that makes so many peopl ga ga. Personally i prefer presidents with a lexicon they can fit into the back pocket of there levi's who give to you, straight and ungrammaticaly correct, but i guess alot of white liberals love watching black men talk properly and act presidential no matter how substanceless and gasy.)

That's why i'm not suprised -the day after obama "unvieled" his afgan policy- to find that this is the headline to Fred Kaplan's piece in slate today:

"Do You Understand Obama's Afghanistan Policy? Me Neither."

Well, he's sending more troops which is bad enough. lets hope he gives up on dmeocracy and signs some quite agreements with the taliban, god knows his/our media won't let americans know if he does.

Afganistan will show alot about dmeocrats and my theory about what treason bastards they are who put poltics befor ecountry evry time.

"lets go fight the good war! kill bin laden!" has been the best slogan for the democrats for the past 8 years, and i'm sure theyre notw illing to give it up even if they know that "the good war" is the unwinnable hopeless war that we must get out of fast and stop wasting so much needed money in every month.

why is it hopeless? well wait till tommrow ill tell you and the answer will be alot more substance than anything you've ever heard obama say.