Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What happened to the american people(1687-1968)?

Watching "Dr.Stranglove or how i learned to love the bomb" today something curious happened. I lay there-affectionatly positioned behind a beatiful female in my bed. The scene before us was one inwhich George C. SCott was speaking in "the war room" to the president about the nuclear situation over russia.

"Ya know these people we're really americans" i half whispered in my female companions ear.

"I think the 50's we're probably the really last decade of the americans"

"yeah, thats true" my female companion said, assuredly knowing what i meant.

ME: "we aren't americans, we're.. children of the world"

HER: yeah we are.

ME: i mean do you feel like a attachment to american history to the american people of the past, does our generation? our generation has the most trivial and nebulous national ideitity and only by default of being born here. And we certainly don't have any blood and soil pride about being american. do you know anyone who really has that? its like "i was born here" thats it. being american, to us, is a mere tecnocality by happenstance.

HER: its true.....

How did this happen, that the american people no longer exist?

well ofcourse, the usually suspects: the 60's, hippies, multicultrilism, hedonism, leftist professors, rock n' roll, cultural rot, etc. thats all true.

but another factor contributing to the loss of american idenity/pride/etc., is that 1. you can't love a nation you feel you don't know and 2. you can't love a nation that hates itself.

When i think of the chicago of my lifetime-one unrecognizable from my fathers chicago- i picture the most typical of chicago scene: A busy intersection, in my specfic case, i picture the bustop on the intersection of Western and Touhy Avenue. Gritty. Ugly. Heartless. Pollutted. Hungover. (Within view theres) One visible specmin of the old chicago a old /granite/ cornershop/apartment building that would have been have been generic when built but now stands out for its possesing actual arctecturial "charcter". The shop there is a old family owned lunch and breakfast restruant with boothes from the 70s thats going out of busines, and soon enough the propertier of the whole edfice will give way like all the others like him to devleopers. Next to it and everywhere else in the vincinty you can see what replaced other building like it. Another typical american landscape ravaged by modernist archeture and developers trying to make a quick buck. You have severely ugly modern condos with fake looking bricks built without any care or uniqiness intermixed with McDonalds and other such franchices. You got a ugly new Bank of America, ads covering in its tainted blackned windows of smiling people of different colors other than white, a striking contrast with the broken down, unfiendly/mean, thuggish, beleagured, bedraggled, blighted and smug faces down on the street. You got a traffic jam, smog, heat, conjustion, honking horns, spanish shouting, ringtones blaring, a public bus' pulling up on the corner letting out grey fumes from its exhaust pipe as it stops to pick up the representives of the new chicago: young black and latino hip hop kids who know or care about nothing and have no ideas and never read a book, who go to schools that are in fact absurdly overpriced day care centers to socialize, then you have poor decreipt white elderly persons with canes, a fragile frustrated looking hipsterish young professional without a mac book in his /walkingpouch/ and PC garbage in his head, a few crazy bedraggled homeless people hopped on crack, and then en mass you have the new primary inhabitants of chicago: hispanic migrants grouped together: short dark indigenous looking mexican men who work as dishwashers and metal collectorsa in baseball hats and dirty 2nd hand clothes, obese middle aged mexican women in big mickey mouse t-shirts and spandex capris, with worn disgruntled faces, with a flock of young kidss pread around her, after a day of cleaning houses, none speaking a drop of english.

There is something that effects you about seeing hispanics like these. They are like aliens or 2nd class citizens so alienated-by choice ofcourse-so alien-with no desire to be otherwise. It is as if you see eachother threw a plate glass partition. To an extent its this wya with black and latino youth today in the inner citys. These people came here to work thats it. not to assimilate in the true meaning of the word. They may adopt a fondness for our trash TV, but nothing else deeper than that.

So whats so depressing about the mexican migrants who care nothing for america and Mcdonalds and Banks of America that fill chicago? well they represent to one a country devoid of anything deeper than money and work and materialism, there is no heart, nothing to truelly identify with, nothing to do die for at all.

In america today, we are surrounded by people and things that care nothing for america, that we feel detached in everyway from, wheather it be the huge impersona; corporations who are now utterly devoid national loyalty that we come across in the form of the generic franchices they place in the monsterous shopping malls that have scourched so much of our earth, or the hispanics that now are the core of our major citys, their conclaves totally cut off from the america that they will soon inherit, they have no desire to assimiliate, they feel no affinity to the old america, to the amreica people circa 1920 or 1856 or those who perished in the civil war or our founders, or our heros:Polk, jefferson, adams.
It would be a lie though to say they had no feeling for america or its history, heros or its past, they most certainly do have feelings for those things. Those feeling being: resentment and hatred.

nevermind that hispanic immgrants are en masse joining and exspanding and seething and remaining threw the generations in americas underclass, what makes mass hispanic immgrantion (and perhaps all 3rd world or non european immgrantion) such a diaster and calamity-in my view- is a matter not of the pocketbook or a matter of statstics or a matter of genetics but a matter of the heart.

Nations are built on loyalty of the heart. The truth is that if you knew like i do that John Adams is in your lineage and if you know your scottish ancestors built this nation, love of nation is going to come naturally. It's that emotional, visceral blood-and-soil, "land of my fathers" attachment and pride that is the essential core of any nation and amreica is no excepation. Wheather for good or ill, race and history matter, people are tribal, people idenitify and group together with people who look like them, who share a history or a realigoun, etc and this is why every nation has a ethno cultural core and must have one. Once a nation loses a ethno cultural core-as happened in the Austro-Hungriaian empire and is happening today in France and the netherderlands-etnic strife occurs and nation breaks apart violently. Look threw history and you will find really no evidence to debase such a idea that just 50 years ago would have been undebatable(common sence). But look threw history for evidence that nations without ethno cultural cores fall apart or that (ethnic and religous) diversity leads to violence and strife, and you can hardly find a year that won't suffice to provide a example.

The responce is that we americans being so proggesive from our brutish ancestors have evolved-in our age of affluence- beyond all this unseemly, unprogressive things like enthno- cultural cores or enthic strife. And even if the white liberals who spout this drivel are really "post racial" in their own rights (which they surely aren't e.g. ask them to send there kid to a latino school), it is just them who matter in figuring out wheather enthic strife and tension and division and even violece could come to america. are the black and hispanic demographics projected by the ny times to bring in an end to the white european majority (in america) by 2050 as "post racial" ? The answer that we all know even without looking at the statstics that confirm are assumptions to that question is: Not at all. Race and enthno-centricity is supremly important to non whites.

Others respond by saying or atleast thinking, "genocide, racial, ethnic strife couldn't happen in 2009 or in the first world. thats all so african.".

So to those who think this business of enthnic strife and the importance of enthno cultural cores and diversity resulting in strife, is just a african or 3rd world thing and to those who think th ese things to be all so 19th century. i'll restrict myself (in finding examples to prove my point) to the developed world (aka europe and america) and to the last 10-15 years of history in such places, in .

"The way to prevent unrest, is to be very careful in who you let in"-Micheky Kaus