Tuesday, March 31, 2009

this is the left

I found the base of the Democratic Party.

i tripped upong this delicious video. It's a meeting for the new "radical party" in NYC. middle aged babyboomer refugees of the green party in a room plotting "what must be done" to takeover the country. It's hilarious, especially the latinos at this meeting and what they say. By the way its run by hunter college professors who begin the session by reading out the party's new manifesto. By my count the ratio at this gathering was 84 percent jewish, 10 percent latino and 6 percent goyim. What a suprise.

I loved how upfront they all were about emphasizing this point: "we need to radicalize the blacks and latinos, we need more and more latinos in this country! dowtrodden, disadvantage, they're already communists probably and don't even knoww it, all we need to do is organize them and bring them to the polling booths, set up some free lunches, get this amnesty bill past, ok people! we need to go down into the ghettos and register these people, like acorn, perferably people who can't read, or who hate america, lets get the gangbangers active poltically, in the bottomline, this is the main way we can push socialism on america" Right they are.


However amazingly, 44 minuetes into this video link, one of the marxists in the audience says something very true. He was talking about "regular" people and how americans (i.e. those regulars in the hinterlands) weren't smart enough to adopt communism.

He says "i went out and tried to be with these peoples! i sat in diners with these people..........and i don't know America anymore. i dont know this america. i and i think we don't even know america anymore"

how i wish someone had stood up at that moment and asked him to answer the question of why he no longer knew america. but then again leftists would never follow such a question to its unpolite conclusion.